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It all begins with a conversation.

When is your "due” date? Where do you plan to deliver? Who is your physician or midwife? Do you have a specific vision for your labor + childbirth; if so, what does that look like, ideally? How can a doula best support you? These are some of the questions we will cover, albeit briefly, in this introductory call that will help us get to know one another.

One of the most important aspects of choosing a doula — and anyone who will support you during your pregnancy, childbirth + postpartum journey — is that YOU feel a natural + authentic CONNECTION. As a birth doula, I will empower, educate, support + amplify your voice as you prepare to welcome your wee one(s) earthside … and, as such, I will be alongside you during one of the most intimate, vulnerable + significant experiences of your life.

It’s imperative that you feel genuine trust, respect, positive energy + a calming presence from me if I’m going to serve as your birth support person. In the event you are seeking something that I cannot provide, I am happy to refer you to other doulas in the area who may be a better match — EVERYONE deserves to + should feel supported in their pregnancy.